About Robert
Robert Hall is a noted author, speaker, and executive coach on relationships. As co-founder and CEO of an international relationship management firm, he consulted for over 20 years with major corporations on customer and employee relationships. Ernst & Young named him a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. His first book, The Streetcorner Strategy for Winning Local Markets, a business best-seller, helped inspire the Customer Relationship Management movement. For the past decade he has mentored inner-city homeless families. Robert has authored more than 150 articles and research studies on relationships, published and discussed in Forbes, The CEO Magazine, Huffington Post, et al. His latest book, This Land of Strangers, an Amazon best-seller, addresses society's breathtaking relationship collapse.
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This Land of Strangers
"..the most important book of the decade." — Richard Boyatzis, co-author of best seller Primal Leadership
Relationships, in all their varied forms, have been the lifetime study of Robert Hall. He brings a rare combination of experience as a researcher, consultant, writer, teacher and CEO in dealing with the real-world relationship challenges of modern organizations. When coupled with a decade of hands-on experience in the gritty world of inner-city homeless families it translates into a tapestry of vivid stories, well-researched and oft startling facts, and strategic insights that weave together the yet untold narrative of society's gravest risk and most stellar opportunity.
What's New
February 12
- The Radicalization of Relationships: Time for Reformation, by Robert Hall, Huffington Post, February 16, 2017
- The New Religion: Destructive Escalation, by Robert Hall, Huffington Post, January 27, 2017
- Your 3 Big Relationship Questions and Opportunities for 2017, Robert Hall, Huffington Post, January 8, 2017
- Leadership: Time for a New Relationship Ideology and Sustainable Change by Robert Hall, Huffington Post November 16, 2016
- Tribal vs. Team Leadership: Trump, Hillary & You, By Robert Hall, Huffington Post November 3, 2016
- When Leadership Fails to Scale: 3 Keys for Leaders, Robert Hall, Huffington Post, October 5, 2016
Courtesy: Todd Slocum @LifeCairn
Courtesy: McCuistion Productions/The McCuistion TV Program

A word from Robert
A warm welcome. After I sold my company and left corporate life eight years ago, I started writing another business book but lost interest around page 160. A larger, more compelling sense of call beckoned. I began applying insights garnered from over 20 years of analyzing the relationships of client organizations and the last decade of mentoring homeless families—to our broader society. Two things stood out. First, there is a widespread relational unraveling across four key domains of our lives – home, work, politics and faith. Second, no one has connected the dots to present the larger narrative and the cumulative consequences of these declining relationships. I have now spent the past six years on a mission to assess the cost, cause and cure of our relationship undoing. My conclusion: Relationship decline is the single most destructive trend that threatens our lives and our society – emotionally, socially, politically, and economically. I invite you to read THIS LAND OF STRANGERS and join me in the cause to restore relationships so central to building the lives we want and the society we need.
– Robert E Hall