Blog & Articles
Robert has published more than 150 columns, articles, white papers, and research studies on relationship. In addition to being a regular contributor at Huffington Post, his work has been published and discussed in Forbes, American Banker, Sales & Marketing Management magazine, The CEO Magazine, ABA Bank Marketing magazine, Computerworld, The Daily Beast, Business Week, The Dallas Morning News, Los Angeles Times, The Detroit News, The Indianapolis Star and in international publications including Sydney Morning News (Australia), European Financial Management Association (London) and Relational Thinking Network (Cambridge, UK).
Here is a one-question quiz: What company in 2010 created the largest lead over its competition in customer satisfaction? A hint, its retail stores played a very key role. The answer, which we will get to shortly, is highly relevant to a banking industry facing daunting challenges from three on-going trends.
First we continue to see our customers less. American Banker reports that in the first six months of 2007 compared to the first six months of 2010, the average per-branch […]